Rider Level 1
This rider is what we call the "First Timer/Never Ever" Rider! It may be your first(ish) time ever riding a mountain bike and you have never “ridden” on dirt.
Skills required:
Can start and stop SAFELY and pedal in a straight line without falling over
Rider Level 2
This rider is what we call the "Beginner/BEEN RIDING A BIT, NOT SURE OF EXACTLY WHAT I’M DOING… " Rider! You have had a mountain bike for a few weeks or months (or even years), but have only been riding on dirt trails a few times, and are still unsure what the heck you’re doing, or how you even “work” the bike.
Skills required: Level 1 skills, plus:
Can stand up while coasting or riding downhill (with level pedals) â—¦ Comfortable using both brakes and shifting gears
Confident in riding smooth trails with some turns, but very few rocks or roots
Rider Level 3
This rider is what we call the " Advanced BEGINNER/NEED SOME SKILLS THOUGH!" Rider!
You’ve been riding a mountain bike for a little while now, but still aren’t sure you have the fundamentals, though you’re having a great time!
Skills required: Level 1 and 2 skills, plus:
Comfortable using BOTH brakes and only using 1 finger (INDEX finger) â—¦ Able to ride some obstacles, such as up and over small rocks and roots (both uphill and downhill)
Prefers to ride smooth green trails, but would consider trying a blue trail â—¦ Enjoys the exercise, but does like to stop frequently for rest breaks and photo ops
Rider Level 4
This what we call the "INTERMEDIATE" Rider! You’ve got the basic fundamentals and have good body awareness while on a bike. You enjoy riding a couple times a week when the weather is good. You have enough skills to be able to teach a new rider some basic fundamentals of mountain biking. You enjoy going fast and are not afraid to try some more difficult obstacles.
Skills required: Level 1, 2 and 3 skills, plus:
Can shift gears smoothly and efficiently and anticipate when to shift â—¦ Navigates switchbacks and small uphill obstacles, though at times may have difficulty
Confident with descending rocky and steep terrain of moderate challenge â—¦ Uses the dropper post efficiently and frequently
Rides blue trails with confidence, though on occasion may need to walk your bike
Likes to “session” obstacles during some of your rides, to progress your skills with others of similar riding ability
Rider Level 5
This is what we call the "ADVANCED INTERMEDIATE" Rider! You’ve become a bit obsessed with mountain biking and are wanting to really start pushing your skills. You may be starting to gain confidence to use your bike’s suspension by getting some air! You have been to a mountain bike clinic or received coaching lessons in an attempt to continue to advance your skills. You use Strava to track your rides and try to gain new PRs in segments you’ve ridden before.
Skills required: Level 1, 2, 3, and 4 skills, plus:
Can come to a sudden controlled stop while descending at speed. â—¦ Enjoys riding fast without the need for frequent rest breaks.
Performs a front wheel lift to get up an obstacle (up to 6 inches.) â—¦ Uses feet to compress suspension to jump off small features on trail (up to 6 inches)
Navigates switchbacks and corners efficiently, without the need to slow down significantly or put a foot down in every turn.
Rides blue trails with ease and confidence, and not afraid to ride some black trails and attempt features that may be more intimidating.
Rider Level 6
This is what we call the "ADVANCED" Rider! You’re a shredder! You live and breathe mountain biking, and it is all that you think about. You get pretty sad when you can’t bike for a week and spend your evenings watching Nate Hill videos. You’ve probably been riding for a few years and have made lots of riding friends along the way.
Skills required: Level 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 skills, plus:
Has great bike handling skills
Prefers to push yourself on most rides, including the pace, with few rest breaks
Has some trick skills nailed- track stand, pedaling wheel lift, maybe a wheelie, or manual? You are constantly practicing new tricks in the parking lot before and after group rides
Comfortable getting the wheels off the ground on some natural trail features and drops, maybe 1-2 feet
Able to climb up and over steeper obstacles (up to 12 inches), including features with more than 1 obstacle in succession
Prefers to only ride black trails which you consider “Fun,” yet can be challenged by steeper and chunkier terrain on both the uphill and downhill
Rider Level 7
This is what we call the "EXPERT" Rider! You have been riding for a long time and have spent many years advancing your skills, technique and confidence on the bike. You’ve been to more than a few clinics and lessons in your past, to get where you are today. Your friends are all advanced + riders and you travel the state and country to seek out more exhilarating trails and mountain bike trips. You might be sponsored by a few bike brands or clothing companies, and have a strong presence on social media. You are RAD!
Skills required: Level 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 skills, plus:
Confident in riding all levels of trails, including double black diamond, and maybe even dabbled in some “Pro lines” at Whistler or other well-known mountain bike parks across the world.
Climbs steep, punchy, technical trails with ease
Descends the gnarliest, chunkiest terrain like an antelope
Can clear most table top jumps (6+ feet) and large drops (4+ feet) â—¦ Has a whole bag of trick skills and is always working on more!
Rider Level 8
This is what we call the "PRO" Rider! You ride bikes for a living and make a bit of money doing it! Lucky you! Most likely you don’t have time to ride with social clubs like ours, but if you do, that’s pretty sweet!
Skills required:
You can do anything on a bike!